“Summery” of Hike Schedule

Summer has snuck up on me this year. I know, it’s not officially summer for more than a month, but somehow the May Long Weekend always seems to be the start of the summer season for me. And the release of our summer hike schedule has also got me thinking about summer!

Summer is the season of travelling and touring. Our summer hike schedule gives you the opportunity to check out a number of different trail sections, both on the Bruce Trail (Beaver Valley, Blue Mountains, Caledon Hills, Dufferin Hi-land, Iroquoia, and Toronto) and in other trail systems (Humber Valley Heritage).  You’ll find many of these hikes on our General Hikes webpage.

Summer also reminds me of my youth when road trips meant collecting badges and stickers for your backpack, luggage, or car windows. With our summer hike schedule, you can revisit this vintage experience by working on finishing up your Historical Hike badge or earning one from farther away, such as the Falling Water Triangle badge from the Beaver Valley club.  These hikes are also on our General Hikes webpage.

Since summer is a time when families can enjoy outdoor activities together, why not do it on the Bruce Trail? You might recall that one of our spring hikes, a Kids hike, is coming up on May 19. And, we’re following that up with a Grandparents hike on June 2nd.

We have our usual weekend and Tuesday hikes this summer, but we’ve also expanded our schedule to include a hike on most days of the rest of the week. Our biggest expansion into the weekdays is our 5 At 5 series, where you can join us for 5 km hikes at 5 pm every Wednesday in June.

And not to fear, if you’re new to hiking, we’ve also got some Introductory hikes for you this summer.

So, how are you going to “summerize” your hikes?


If you’ve experienced the Bruce Trail, you know what a treasure it is. This treasure is made possible thanks to the ongoing support of Bruce Trail Conservancy (BTC) members. Not a member? Why not consider becoming one today?

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