Redside Dace E2E

Redside Dace E2E Badge
Redside Dace E2E Badge

You can earn this badge by independently hiking the main Trail in the Caledon Hills Section or participating in group hikes.

This badge is the first in our Species at Risk End-to-End Badge Series. The badge is expected to retire in 2027, at which time the second badge in the series will be issued.

The Redside Dace was added to the Ontario Species at Risk List in 2009. It is considered endangered. This status means that the species is facing imminent extinction.

It is a member of the minnow family. Adults are typically 12 cm long and have a red stripe along the front half of their bodies and a yellow stripe above that extends close to the tail fin.

The minnows can be found in slow moving areas of small streams with gravel bottoms. Urban and agricultural development and the introduction of non-indigenous species are its
biggest threats.

We can take action by creating awareness of the Redside Dace and work to protect and steward its habitats. Read more