The Tuesday Hikers were co-founded in 1985 by Sallie Smyth and Dorothy Medhurst.
There were modest beginnings with 6 to 8 regulars supplemented by infrequent
attendees and the hikes were held in the spring and the fall. The group steadily grew
over the years and the hiking schedule was broadened to include the summer and winter.
We now hike every Tuesday of the year except for Christmas and New Year’s. There are
currently 260 hikers on the Tuesday Hikers contact list.
In the 1990s the idea to invite the hikers to “flip a loonie into the pot” led to the tradition
of the Loonie Fund. Proceeds are forwarded to the Bruce Trail Conservancy to assist
with their land acquisition initiatives. To date the Loonie Fund has donated over $17000
to the BTC.
In 2007 the tradition began of the hikers participating, when needed, in seasonal work
parties dealing with trail building and maintenance. In 2019 a Tuesday Hikers work
party did some land stewardship work by taking part in a garlic mustard pulling event.
In 2010 the group was presented with the Isobel East Award for both their longevity and

The Tuesday Hikers have neither speed nor distance as their objective. Most of the hikes
are under 12 km in length and the pace is around 3 km/hour. We enjoy the exercise,
fresh air, conversation, the scenery and frequently enjoy an optional refreshment stop
after the hike.
A list of the available Tuesday hikes along with their details can be found in the BTC’s
Online Hike Schedule https://hikes.brucetrail.org/. Weekly reminders are also sent to
hikers by way of the Tuesday Hikers group email list. To have your name put on the
Tuesday Hikers email list or to receive further information, contact

You will find a warm welcome with the Tuesday Hikers group if you are looking for a
weekday hike. Check the schedule and consider coming out.